Totally in love with HIM!! Happiness can be simple when you appreciate what you have...

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Countdown for 2 weeks =)

When out in the 10am, today planning is DYE my hair!
1st time when to E&V salon~
Special promotion gave by my sis-hui~
ONLY Rm70 for dye my hair n FREE treatment~
Today is oso d 1st time my BRO dye his hair~
*He is showing off to his frens in FB..wahaha xD*
Sis-ting had acc me for whole day~
Thanks a lot ya~

After that we had bought a special things for HIM!!!
Is cute thgs for bully him!! Is really cute =P
i MISS him so much <3

Today had bring BOOMS to my teachers & frens!
Hope they all can attend my wedding dinner =)

Is super tired n wanna sleep now~
Goodnite ^^

*Ting's story continue 2mrw!

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